Monday, August 31, 2015

1965 1966 Mustang gauge Replacement

The gauges that Ford used in these cars were so incredibly durable, it is very unlikely that you would ever have to replace one, but, occasionally, you could buy a 65/66 Mustang and then discover that one of the gauges has been damaged somehow and needs to be replaced. Fortunately, this is an extremely easy task to perform successfully. First, you remove the instrument cluster. I did a post on how to do this (also very easy) in a post back in April of '08. Once the instrument cluster is out, put it face down on a soft surface, so that you don't scratch up the instrument bezel, and remove the eight phillips head screws holding the bezel onto the cluster. Then you lift the cluster off of the bezel and put the lens back in the bezel if it falls out. Then lift that black metal thing off of the cluster. You then take a 3/8 wrench and remove the two nuts holding the gauge in place, and save that paper-looking thing that the nuts are holding onto the back of the cluster. Those are extremely important because those are what prevents the gauge from just shorting out on the cluster. The old gauge will now fall out all by itself. You just place the new gauge in the cluster, put the insulator back on, put the nuts back on, making sure you don't crank down on them so hard the nuts cut through the insulator, and reassemble the cluster, black metal thing, bezel and lens. There are a couple of cardboard tubes in there that are also important. Those are what keeps the whole side of the cluster from lighting up and flashing every time you hit the turn signals. There are three little prongs that hold each of those tubes in place while you reassemble everything. It really is just that simple.


  1. Is there anything I should be aware of while replacing the speedo head on 1966 mustang, I have one on order including the cable and new bulbs, looks pretty straightforward just wanted to know of any pitfall I may experience?


  2. Is there anything I should be aware of while replacing the speedo head on 1966 mustang, I have one on order including the cable and new bulbs, looks pretty straightforward just wanted to know of any pitfall I may experience?


  3. Hi, Ken.
    No, what you see is all that there is. It actually is as simple as it appears to be.
